
Behind the scenes: Vivaldi's Four Seasons

Behind the scenes: Vivaldi's Four Seasons

Recently I was asked to prepare a document about the emotions and colours of Vivaldi´s Four Seasons for an upcoming multi-media performance work where we will have lighting, projections, and sound design.

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Of trees and violins

Of trees and violins

Last week, I was incredibly moved by a talk given by an Austrian man, who makes wooden houses. To be honest, I was sent the link by friend ages ago, and it looked so boring I didn´t bother to click on it until my pricking conscience finally had its way.

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Music and nature

Music and nature

I have always had a nagging doubt about being a musician in a world where there are just so many really serious problems. Perhaps we musicians should really be using our brains and ingenuity for a more tangible cause? As a mother living in 2021 in the middle of a devastating pandemic and reports of dire weather conditions caused by climate change which can only get worse, I think back to my carefree and innocent childhood days spent on the little family farm in New Zealand where Greenpeace was kind of cool, but the actual issue of global warming barely encroached on my consciousness, and wonder if my children or their children will ever experience such worry-free world.

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